100L Stainless Steel Test Brew Kit

Contact Information
Contact Nick Allen
07973 625510
£ 3,250.00
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Perfect for trialing new beers before larger volume production in a micro brewery or for generous home brew production

Kit includes:
Stainless Steel HLT with electric heating element, sight glass, thermometer and tri-clamp hose fitting.
Insulated mash tun with false floor and copper sparge arm
Boil kettle with electric element and false floor.
Blichman 'Rip Tide' pump + user manual
Wort plate chiller with bracket
Various spares and hoses
RJT spanners
Spare element & extra tri-clamp fittings
Banjo hop filter

The stainless steel frame is made for the equipment & has wheels for easy positioning.
We used it to test new brews in our micro brewery or to make a couple of firkins of something really special.

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