Current UK Covid Restrictions (including new Tiers in England)

On this page you will find links to the Covid guidance for pubs and brewery taprooms in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as summaries of the rules over Christmas.

All of the below and more is contained in the ‘Full Covid restrictions guidance table for Pubs & Taprooms’ pdf below.

Click here to view our ‘Full Covid restrictions
guidance table for Pubs & Taprooms’ (PDF)


England Tier System 2 December – 23 December 2020

Guidance –

England Christmas restrictions 23-27 December 2020

  • No more than three households can form a ‘Christmas Bubble’
  • You are only allowed one bubble and this cannot change
  • The ‘Christmas Bubble’ can meet in private homes, gardens and public outdoor spaces.
  • It cannot meet in any indoor setting such as a pub but you can continue to meet people who are not in the bubble outside your home according to the tiers.

Scotland Current 5 tier restrictions

Guidance –

Scotland Christmas restrictions 23-27 December 2020 

  • Can form a ‘Christmas Bubble’ of up to three households, one of them can be an extended household.
  • Scotland recommends keep a maximum of eight people and Children under 12 do not count.
  • You should not change the members when the ‘Christmas Bubble’ is formed and can only meet in a private home or outdoors.
  • In pubs, those who have formed Christmas bubbles should remain within their own household

Wales current restrictions – November 2020

  • People are only able to meet people who are part of their “bubble” in their own home and only two households can form a bubble
  • People can meet in groups of up to four people (not including any children aged under 11) in regulated indoor places, such as hospitality – bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants
  • Up to 15 people can take part in an organised indoors activity (such as an exercise class – where a responsible body is managing the event) and up to 30 in an organised activity outdoors

Northern Ireland circuit breaker

27 November – 11 December 2020

  • Pubs must remain closed with the exception of providing food and drink for takeaway, drive through or delivery.
  • Businesses providing takeaway services must close at 11pm and off-sales must stop at 8pm.
  • Households cannot mix indoors but up to six people from no more than two households can meet outdoors




