Call for brewers to join in with ‘Independents Day’

The Cheshire Brewhouse, led by brewer and SIBA North West Director Shane Swindells, will this February 24th be running ‘Independents Day’ at the brewery and is encouraging other independent craft brewers across the UK to join in with the event by running brewery tours and open days.
The Cheshire Brewhouse will be running an open day with brewery tours throughout the day, have a local Bikers group coming with a mini bike show, and a local Mountain Bike club showing their bikes on the day – all in an effort to raise money for local charities.
At 6pm Shane Swindells has also vowed to have his beer and hair shaved off to raise money for cancer treatment for a young Congleton Mum.
Shane and the Cheshire Brewhouse are be asking as many independent Brewers as possible to do the same on Feb 24th, invite their local community into their brewery and raise some money for good causes.
Any breweries interested in joining in with Independents Day are asked to email Shane by clicking here.