SIBA comments on moderate alcohol consumption and dementia research

Commenting on the University College London and French institute for health, (Inserm) research on the link between moderate drinking reduced chances of dementia published today, James Calder, Head of Public Affairs at the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) said;
“It is great to see a piece of research make headlines which backs up the 40 years of evidence on the positive effects of moderate alcohol consumption. Not only does moderate, sensible consumption of alcohol reduce the incidence of dementia compared to teetotallers, there is evidence it also has beneficial effects in guarding against type II diabetes, heart disease, stroke, macular degeneration and many other conditions.
This study backs what we know, and the temperance movement refuse to accept – that the J shaped curve between alcohol consumption and life expectancy is real.
The social effect and positive benefits to mental health of having a beer with your friends and family in the pub also cannot be overlooked. That’s why SIBA and brewers across the country are backing the Long Live the Local campaign which aims to cut beer tax and protect that vital national institution – the UK pub.