PRESCOTT ALES Pumps Primed for future Success
After a landmark 5 years Prescott Ales, one of Gloucestershire’s most progressive Micro Breweries revealed that it has recently completed the installation of an entirely new Brew House that positions the company on the road for continued growth to keep pace with the real ale renaissance within the UK beer market
Prescott’s director of operations Jo Meader stated that this move reflects the confidence in our brand and ability to take the company to the next level. Supplying real ale to an increasingly diverse and larger market, which includes entering into several agreements with National Pub companies that will allows us to promote our ales the length and breadth of the UK for sustained periods.
Jo is keen to point out that despite our impressive growth in the last 24months the heart of Prescott Ales remains a family business built on passion around our products and servicing our customers to the best of our ability. Prescott’s substantial increase in capacity from 2,700 to 7,200 pints per brew means we are able to keep pace with our growth and ensure our ales can be found in a wider market.
Prescott ales is also extremely proud of its close links with the Bugatti owners Club UK where on the 5th of Oct the entire team celebrated the brewery upgrade along with many of Prescott’s customers and suppliers at the Autumn classic meeting. Jo commented that it’s essential for us to let customers enjoy not just our ales, but to see for themselves the unique links we have established with the Hill Climb Circuit since 2008. It then becomes clear what Prescott’s “Great British Lubricants” are all about!
Martyn Herbert Prescott Ales CAMRA Brewery liaison officer went onto say that it was also very fitting that the breweries new brew house launch co-insides with national cask ale week 2013
Prescott Ales; the facts
- Our new brewery plant produces over 7000 pints each brew
- Prescott ales has 3 standard and 4 seasonal ales
- Prescott will launch new ales in 2014 to experiment new hop and malt combinations
- Prescott continues to commit to source locally
- 4 of our 7 ales have won Camra and Siba awards since 2009, including a National GOLD SIBA award
For more information and the latest news please visit Prescott ales Now also on face book and twitter.
Thanks for enjoying and supporting our real ales, Cheers!